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MSD >CE Product
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The next big thing (CE Product)


The next BIG thing ¡K (Most wanted, consumer products in the next 5 years, so projected by C/Net, during CES 2004, session)

Source :2004 CES (consumer electronic show in Vegas) session hosted by C/net USA, featured, Archos, , Ecosystem, Linksys Microsoft, , Netgear, Pioneer,  RCA,  Samsung, key officers)

oAll products targeted, derived from a wide survey among USA consumers, with solid and accredited  public consent.


oFuture public demandable products :

1st : PDE (palm digital entertainer ) and personal higher performance audio products  

2nd : Wi-fi or uni-fi ( vast coverage wireless technology)

3rd : ultra-smartphones (much more powerful functions,  )

4th :People tends to work more and more outside office, but in cozy, inspirational relaxed public places ( EG Starbucks, etc)

Pls note, all above demands high-capacity memory storage devices.. All of them ..


We offer you these future products today¡K AT MINIMAL INVSETMENT AND RISK !!!

No. 1 : micro drive.. 2.2G into a 1.4 inch hard disk, and capacity upgrading

No. 2 : PDE : palm digital entertainer..(MP4, photobook, music, TV recording.. etc.. )

No. 3 : 5.1 surround sound headsets.

No.4 : QVGA(developing) a graphic display of future... 9times more detail, and 6 times faster speed, as compared to in the market LCD displays... today¡K

And much more pleasant profitable surprises... little competition, decent margin ( esp today, retail  is nick- named, a bloodshed price war.. , with much risks ) your Company mileages

**Your question : what is minimum quantity, and risk ??? ¡K

**Our reply : minimal and bearable, even 50 pcs. For market water-testing trial order¡K.at minimal investment and risk . (leading to a possible sole-agency tie up for longer term benefits).We do deliver¡K. 

Email please to: msd@milsources.com


Tel : 852 2142 9431

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